
Where Myth Meets Modern Discomfort: Ungfell’s “Die Hexenbrut zu Nirgendheim”


Spanning both comprehensive history books and metal discographies alike, Zurich’s Ungfell stands in stark contrast with musical monochromatism. Don’t get us wrong, the greats are honored, but it’s apparent that one-manner Menetekel (with the help of session drummer, Vâlant) takes a polytheistic view of godly forefathers. For every beat blasted back to Mayhem, there is one marked “D” for Discharge; for every forewarning of folk purity, there is feedback waving to Eyehategod.

In just three short years, Ungfell has managed to encapsulate 30 years of extreme metal in what will make four releases come March 23rd. As Mythen, Mären, Pestilenz reads like a split placed on shuffle, Ungfell showcases its diverse range of talent tied together wear black metal myth meets modern discomfort. As “Die Hexenbrut zu Nirgendheim” leaves us with a six-minute sampler of a sampler, prepare to burn down the village at noon, bring out your dead by 1:00 p.m., spend happy hour around the campfire, and then make it Little Italy just in time for dinner. Even if you can’t yet catch that last part, you will in time (i.e. next week). It’s a fate already written in the stars of history that have yet to align.

— Jenna DePasquale

Here’s what Menetekel has to say about the song:

Come and witness the foul audio rites of “Die Hexenbrut zu Nirgendheim,” in which a cruel coven engages in the most foul human sacrifice. There will be no salvation, nothing can be gained from crying out to the sky. The coven’s vile summoning of fel power shall ensure their lord’s satisfaction. Now as then, allow cloven hooves to crack your bones…

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