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Low Flying Hawks - “Virgin Witch” (Song Premiere)

Giant walls of riffs and unexpected twists should be familiar to fans of The Melvins, not to mention the band’s numerous offshoots and descendants. So it is with Low Flying Hawks, the creation of the mysteriously-monikered duo AAL and EHA. These guitarists/vocalists have again enlisted the dream-team rhythm section of Trevor Dunn (Melvins, Fantomas, Mr. Bungle) and Dale Crover (Melvins, Nirvana, basically everybody) to lay down a massive foundation for crawling post-metal psychedelia on their second album Genkaku.

The third track on Genkaku, “Virgin Witch,” showcases some of the band’s finer moments. Dunn’s bass reverberates off the walls as it leads in, a blasted-out tower of fuzz crashing over Crover’s slow and steady beat. AAL (or is it EHA, or both?) provides a counterpoint to the heaviness with an unexpectedly high vocal register, crying out atop methodically repetitive shoegaze-cranked-to-11 riffs. Where many of their peers rely heavily on feedback – to typically similar and generic results – “Virgin Witch” barely touches on it, relying more on Loop-styled loops that subtly change and mutate as the song proceeds. It may not be the most unnerving track on Genkaku, but it achieves the mood and ideas it aims for.

Stream “Virgin Witch” below.

Follow Low Flying Hawks on Facebook. Preorder Genkaku on Bandcamp.

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