
Charnel Winds - "Atmâsphere" (Song Premiere)


Making something unique is a difficult hurdle. Following in established footsteps is much, much easier than risking absolute failure. It’s been seen before, especially in black metal: an artist wants to stand in their own spotlight, a master of their own, specialized craft, and fails miserably (citing The Ark Work here seems like shooting fish in a barrel, but I can’t think of a more apt example). Treading unknown territory is difficult, and the brazen efforts of Charnel Winds’s technical wizardry takes black metal into the unknown on their upcoming Verschränkung.

Take, as an example, “Atmâsphere”: Charnel Winds’s own atmosphere is arcane and emanates hubris, and yet the guitar trio of Shoo, Termuthis, and Olli’s own presence offers different hubris. “Being good at your instrument” isn’t necessarily a benchmark to be met in black metal, save a few examples, but Charnel Winds manages to echo the rollicking rage and mysticism of black metal with their own technical confidence. Dazzling with bouncing, Eastern musical elements and masterful guitar solos, “Atmâsphere”‘s unique presence offers an adroit expansion on black metal with an idiosyncratic character. Essentially, Charnel Winds…only sounds like Charnel Winds, but without reveling in its strangeness or overstaying its welcome.

Verschränkung will be released June 1st on Feuer Publications. Head below for an exclusive first listen of the intricate “Atmâsphere”.

From the artist:

“‘Atmâsphere’ is the third song of the apocalyptic odyssey that is Verschränkung. It is a thunderous roar of spirit-substance sucked into the vacuum of collapsing space. It is the scarred and burned marks of the mad divinity on us. It is a morbid eulogy muttered through countless dead lips and mouths.”

Follow Charnel Winds on Bandcamp and Facebook.

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