
Show of Bedlam - "Hall of Mirrors" (Song Premiere)


Anger and maddening desperation may lash out with brute force and sinew-snapping disregard, but emotion is always much more amorphous, transient affair. Similarly, for the slow pummel of Show of Bedlam, there is a liquescent slithering, slurping sort of horror which contradicts their musical weight. Take the lengthy “Hall of Mirrors” as an example – moving with the slow, clenched-fist rage of Bodychoke or early Suicide’s harsh pulse, Show of Bedlam’s superficial existence as a loud, throbbing doom metal band is a flask containing their fluid form. It approaches a punk sort of freedom, if only in its philosophy – consuming only what makes it stronger and leaving bones and ashes in its wake. Pray that it doesn’t fully engulf you, too.

Transfiguration will be released next Friday, May 12th, on the following litany of labels and formats: Sentient Ruin Laboratories (US tape/LP/digital), Dawnbreed Records (EU vinyl), Desordre Ordonee (Canadian vinyl), and PRC Music (CD worldwide). Listen to an exclusive stream of “Hall of Mirrors” below, preferably with something to hold and maintain an overall feeling of security.

Follow Show of Bedlam on Facebook and Bandcamp.

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