
Mourners Lament - “As Solemn Pain Profanes” (Song Premiere)

While progressive or genre-bending music can certainly make for thrilling listening, there’s also something just as gratifying about a band that takes a familiar style and executes it to perfection. Chilean exports Mourners Lament play death/doom in the Peaceville Three vein, and they do their progenitors proud on their debut full-length We All Be Given. From the very first note of opening track “As Solemn Pain Profanes,” which can be heard below, the band takes the listener down a melancholy road similar to the one Paradise Lost traversed on Gothic. Clean guitar passages act like dramatic pauses between the slow, heavy riffs, while vocalist Christian Ibañez employs both a Nick Holmsian growl and a more plaintive spoken word style a la Aaron Stainthorpe. The track ultimately builds to a cathartic close with a coda section featuring some soaring, melodic guitar work.

-Clayton Michaels

We All Be Given will be released by on April 20 via Hammerheart Records. Follow Mourners Lament on Facebook.

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