
Mastodon - "Andromeda"


Double albums. Do they ever work? I have my doubts. One thing’s for sure, though, the space afforded by the conscious double album format gives artists room to work a whole lot of sound into one piece of product.

The Emperor of Sand, Mastodon’s upcoming album, is a double. Already the band is showing off their wide sonic palate. The first single, “Sultan’s Curse” sounded like it could have come from any of their past two record. The second tune, “Show Yourself”, sounded like The Foo Fighters.

This third song, “Andromeda”, sounds conservative in comparison. It’s the most seasick and sludgy tune the Atlanta quartet’s penned since Crack the Skye. Yes, Brann Dailor still has a gorgeous clean singing section in the middle, but mostly “Andromeda” has the band in their old configuration: Troy Sanders howling on lead vocals, Brent Hinds ripping up a couple huge 70s monster rock solos, and busy drum fills stitching it all together. Hell, Hinds even brings out his old hardcore screech for a second there. If half of The Emperor of Sand sounds like this, I’ll be a happy camper.

Mastodon’s new album Emperor of Sand comes out March 31 via Reprise Records. Follow Mastodon on Facebook.

In April, Mastodon hit the road with Eagles of Death Metal & Russian Circles. Check out all dates HERE.

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