
Poison Rites - Self Titled (Premiere)


Can I just say: I fucking miss Speedwolf? I’m not the only one, either. The Denver blackened thrash and roll outfit payed lip service to Satan, but really channeled the high velocity riff riff ecstasy of early Motorhead. Sure, Midnight does a lot of the same things, but their take is more sleazy and evil. I need more white line, and less fever.

Enter Poison Rites. The Denver punk outfit features ex-Speedwolf howler Reed Brummer’s unmistakable vocal grunt, and much of the attitude’s all-funny-business sneer. This time, though, that attitude comes in a Midwest-style punk rock syringe. To me, this is a tremendously nostalgic sound. The traces of The MC5, The Stooges and especially Dead Boys were never far from my ears as a teenager, and Poison Rites take me right back to where I first heard those bands: sitting behind a dumpster, smoking cigarettes after school.

The self-titled Poison Rites LP will be out on March 9. Follow Poison Rites on Facebook.

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