VMC – LP cover

Void Meditation Cult - Utter the Tongue of the Dead' (Album Stream)

VMC - LP cover

The general high pitched squeal which characterized most black metal may be archetypical, but is not all-encompassing. The genre is generally successful in emulating the disembodied screams of the damned and shrieks of their punishers, but what of the setting? For something so hellish, black metal has its inhabitants locked down, but few tackle Hell itself. Void Meditation Cult (and preceding project Sperm of Antichrist) disturbed many in the last decade with his Sulfurous Prayers and Blight and Darkness, following the less-traveled, subterranean path tread by Ixithra and Demoncy in the early 90s.

Returning from the mire after a three year absence (technically five – Sulfurous Prayers of Blight and Darkness is a reissue of previous material), Void Meditation Cult’s debut full-length Utter the Tongue of Dead is a perfectly horrific audio snapshot of Satan’s kingdom. Desolate Defiler’s thick, bass-heavy approach lurches and struggles forth, and it is absolutely filthy. Void Meditation Cult’s sound has always been a sluggish, cavernous roar, and this new full-length effort leaves a slimy film in its wake. The word “bestial” gets thrown around quite a bit nowadays, but Utter the Tongue… is animalistic in a way which the “bestial” descriptor’s champions fail to unleash. This gibbering, cave-dwelling hellbeast is somehow captured and contained in an album, which must have been a feat. Approach with caution and take plenty of showers intermittently.

The horrific Utter the Tongue of the Dead will be unleashed on All Hallows Eve (October 31) via Hells Headbangers Records. Submit to the cult and listen to the entire album below.

Void Meditation Cult eschews social media presence, but Hells Headbangers curates a Bandcamp which you can follow here.

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