Sabbath Assembly

Sabbath Assembly - "Burn Me, I Thirst For Fire" (Video Premiere)

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Directed by STX Media and written by David Christian and Eric Sanders, the new video for Sabbath Assembly‘s “Burn Me, I Thirst For Fire” takes on the overarching question: How does what we listen to imprint our effect on the world?

In the video, premiered here, this question is taken literally when a young woman is infected with an earworm that has controlling ideas of its own. “Burn Me, I Thirst For Fire” is off Sabbath Assembly’s 5th album, self-titled, which was released on September 11th. Recorded by Colin Marston (Dysrhythmia, Gorguts, Krallice) this record moved away from the band’s previous cult theology motives and instead towards the gospel of metal. The vinyl is now officially available HERE.

The band’s members left us with these thoughts on the video to ponder whilst watching it below:

“The mystery of the egg and the snake.
How does what goes into our ears affect what we birth into the world?
The endless cycle of birthing the worm that grows into the snake that we eat and release back into the world as dust…..
Without that growth, we die.
Any error on the part of those responsible for that growth is punishable by death.
Are we happy stuck in this loop?”

—Kelly Kettering

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