
Jute Gyte - "Lugubrious Games (Sans Frontières)" and "Forces of Self-Shedding"


After the absolute aural onslaught that was the last night of Maryland Deathfest, I promised myself that I would take a couple days’ break from distortion and just listen to silence… or maybe Fiona Apple or something.

Somehow I wound up listening to the next release by >strong>Jute Gyte instead. Silly me. It’s kind of like Fiona Apple in that it’s got some jazz in it’s DNA. It’s also like Fiona Apple in that it inspires self-pity and woe.

Jute Gyte is one of the many solo projects of prolific multi-instrumentalist Adam Kalmbach, and by prolific I mean the man is averaging between three and four albums per year in this project alone, not to mention his side projects. In Jute Gyte he’s focused on proggy, skronking black metal. Sometimes he’s ambient, and others he’s not altogether unlike the Mastery track we premiered earlier in the year, if a bit more digestible (only a bit).

For your sampling, below we present “Lugubrious Games (Sans Frontières)” and “Forces of Self-Shedding,” the first two tracks from Kalmbach’s upcoming album Ship of Theseus, his second this year.

—Joseph Schafer

Ship of Theseus is out on June 1. Follow Jute Gyte on Facebook.

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