
Nails - "Conform / Scum Will Rise" (video)

Directed by Joel Perkins

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Nails are a battering ram, and, yes, they sound like this live (minus the over-compressed drum sound). It’s as close to a wall of sound as I’ve heard a band get.

When I attended Scion Rock Fest (where Nails played) this year, I stayed at the Sheraton in Pomona. Most of the fest’s bands stayed there. Each night the hotel lobby turned into a mass of longhairs drinking openly while Mercyful Fate blasted on a boombox. It was great.

One night, before the drinking and Mercyful Fate started, a big group of high school cheerleaders rehearsed in the lobby. Why they were rehearsing at 12:30am in a hotel lobby is anyone’s guess. Word got out, and dudes from bands, including Nails, spilled onto the balcony overlooking the lobby. Much drunken heckling and topless dancing by dudes ensued. Someone produced a giant (I’m talking football-size) block of cheese that had been stolen from one of the fest’s venues. Threats to throw the cheese at the cheerleaders ensued. It ended up being hidden in a plant behind the balcony, and is probably still rotting there right now.

If you say “Nails” to me, and I get a faraway look in my eyes, where one eye glints “cheese” and the other glints “cheerleaders”, now you’ll know why.

— Cosmo Lee

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