Metal pets: Django the Viking cat

Belly of the Beast

Django (named for Django Reinhardt) is a gigantic, stunningly handsome tabby man-cat. He is currently 10 years old. He has the deepest voice ever to bless a feline, and he speaks frequently. His voice could accompany any second-rate death metal album, and no one would know the difference. His favorite band is Amon Amarth, and he especially loves watching their Wrath of the Norsemen DVD. Django particularly enjoys the very metal pursuit of licking his own nipples (ed. note: we were sent a picture of this, but decided not to run it due to the family-friendly nature of this site), and also likes to attack his little brother Peter while doing a very impressive vampire impersonation. Much like the Thunder God himself, Django has an authoritative walk – his footsteps echo and boom when he comes down the stairs or enters a room. When he is hungry, Django will jump up on the counter and scream bloody gore until he is fed. If you make the mistake of leaving out any food, Django will help himself. He seems quite fond of chili.

– his owner, Atanamar

Amon Amarth – The Pursuit of Vikings

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