Giveaway: Hellbent for Cooking

Pictured: Black Metal Berry Pie by Sadistik Exekution
Text by Cosmo Lee

We’re teaming up with Bazillion Points to give away one copy of Annick Giroux’ Hellbent for Cooking: The Heavy Metal Cookbook. You want this. You want this because either you like food or you like metal, and preferably you like both. I just got my copy, so I haven’t had a chance to try any recipes. (For a review by someone who test drove some, see here.) The 101 recipes, covering everything from appetizers to entrées to desserts to drinks, are by members of heavier-than-thou bands, the list of which is staggering. You can see the list, as well as page closeups and ordering info here.

I must point out that this is probably the most physically beautiful book I’ve ever seen (and that’s counting the paperback edition last decade of Elie Wiesel’s Night that had a matte white finish so sensual, it was practically lingerie). Giroux is a graphic designer by trade; she puts her skills to great use in her now-legendary Morbid Tales ‘zine. (Parents, don’t raise your children to be writers; raise them to be graphic designers so that they will be employable.) Nagawika, who did a sketch of Fenriz for one of our podcasts, liberally sprinkles the book with cute, sardonic illustrations. Finally, publisher Ian Christe ponied up for sturdy, high-quality paper. I’m almost afraid to bring this thing into the kitchen, it’s so nice.

For a chance to win, simply email invisibleoranges at gmail dot com by midnight EST, Sunday 12/27, with the subject header “Appetizer for Destruction” and your full name and address. I will choose a winner randomly. International entrants are welcome.

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