April 3, 2024

"Candles Burn" as Jason Blake Taps Cellist Raphael Weinroth-Browne for Mesmerizing New Instrumental EP (Early Stream)

If you’re not familiar with what a Warr guitar is, it’s basically the answer to the hypothetical question “what if we made the guitar harder to play?,” alongside similar instruments like the Chapman stick. Chicago local Jason Blake (also a member of Aziola Cry) is one of the instrument’s most advanced practitioners [read his artist-vs-artist...

Coffin Storm Summons Pure Metallic Delight on "Arcana Rising" (Review + Interview)

It’s well known that Marlon Brando was an asshole on set who hid in his trailer, refused to learn his lines, and attempted to sabotage films with suggestions like having his character be a voice-acted bagel rather than a human. Behavior such as this implied that he didn’t enjoy acting when not on his terms,...