December 29, 2023

Ted Nubel's Top Albums of 2023

As the final individual list running this year, I’d like to offer my thanks to all our participants – and eternal curses upon my past self for committing to running all of them in the midst of holiday madness. Every part of this process kind of sucks, honestly, but all the tedious work that goes...

Addison Herron-Wheeler's Top Albums of 2023

It’s funny, the more I immerse myself in the world of death metal, both as a musician and a professional metal writer (whatever that is), the more I don’t necessarily listen to death metal, or even metal, constantly. I think part of it is also hitting my mid 30s and realizing there is no such...

Luke Jackson's Top Albums of 2023

Sometimes over the course of the year, The List falls naturally into place, pulled noisily into alignment like pieces in a game of Connect 4: a long awaited release from a revered artist – CLUNK, a black metal loner does a dungeon synth tape – CLAK, a member of Pissgrave records literally one note on...