October 7, 2009

Worthy of hell: 3 EP's from Hells Headbangers

Until the end of the year, Hells Headbangers is offering a three-pack of EP CD’s by Victimizer, Cerekloth, and Hunters Moon for $15. You can also buy them individually for $7 each. Hells Headbangers favors black and death metal with punk leanings: think Venom, Slaughter (Can), Blasphemy, early Death and Autopsy. It’s all very old-school,...

Flood - Native

San Francisco’s Flood are pleasingly elemental. By elemental, I mean problem solving at the most basic level. Three guys get together in a room with drums, guitars, amps, and a mic. What next? They are there because of common interests. The style of playing is known to some extent. But unless they already have songs,...