August 12, 2009

Blood Red Throne vs. The Police

No, not a mashup. But if only! Recently I listened to Blood Red Throne‘s new album, Souls of Damnation (Earache, 2009). Most of it was unsurprising. Death metal, death metal, death metal. Good, good, good. But five minutes and 15 seconds into “Ten Steps of Purgatory,” I did a double take. “Every cake you bake,...

Victims - Killer

D-beat has been beaten like a dead horse. Every new band with bullet belts and Amebix t-shirts thrashes through the motions. Though Victims will be new to many Americans thanks to Deathwish, Inc. reissuing their latest, Killer, they have torn up stages for a decade. While nowhere near as ferocious as Skitsystem, Wolfbrigade, or Tragedy,...