
Live Report: Alcest/Enslaved in NYC

The much-hyped Enslaved/Ghost/Alcest (minus Ghost) tour came to the Gramercy Theatre in NYC on Sunday, Sept. 25, with Junius filling in for Ghost, after that band had to bail when they couldn’t get visas in time for the tour. Bummer or not a bummer, depending on how you feel about Ghost. Considering all the Ghost T-shirts in the crowd, we’re going with “bummer.” (Junius sounded great, but definitely lacked some of the, er, flair Ghost provides.) Alcest offered a nice mellow contrast to the high-octane show put on by Enslaved, which was full of tough guy posturing and horn raising. It wasn’t necessarily an intuitive pairing, but both bands sounded terrific, and played to a packed, appreciative house—except the one guy standing near us, who, when his girlfriend asked what he thought of Alcest said, “Eh. They’re no Ghost.” Hey bud, for some of us, that’s high praise!

You can see the full set here and some of Wyatt’s other photos at his blog, blackbeardisland.tumblr.com.

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