Follow for Now - Self-Titled

She Watch Channel Zero?!
Evil Wheel


Follow for Now came up in the early ’90s black rock movement that included Living Colour, Fishbone, and so on. Taking its name from Public Enemy’s “Bring The Noise,” the Atlanta band released only one album, a self-titled effort in 1991. It was mostly funk rock tinged with R&B; and ska, with the occasional foray into hard rock and metal. David Ryan Harris’ vocals were charismatic, and Chris Tinsley’s Strat tones had much Hendrix in them.

The band was known for amazing live jams and call-and-response crowd interaction (see this comment thread). However, that energy did not translate in the album’s sterile production. Inexplicably, producer Matt Sherrod played drums on the record instead of actual drummer Bernard “Enrique” Coley – major label meddling, perhaps?

Two songs stood out, though. “She Watch Channel Zero?!” covered the Public Enemy classic, which of course sampled Slayer’s “Angel of Death.” Thus, it was sort of a cover of a cover (dig the cheeky Sabbath reference in the intro). “Evil Wheel” was an anthem with Fishbone-esque horns and gearshift key modulations. Evidently, the song had an MTV video, which no one has uploaded to YouTube yet. You can find this album for shamefully little at Amazon.