November 23, 2009

Jerry Bruckheimer metal #1: Epica, Forest Stream, Katatonia

Pictured: L.A. Guns Despite its title, this new column isn’t a complete dis. Yes, “Jerry Bruckheimer metal” is slick and over-produced. I dislike the vast majority of it. But I like a little of it. Bad Boys II comes to mind. It’s the most over-the-top movie I’ve ever seen. Actually, it’s not a movie so...

Nuclear Assault - Handle with Care

Nuclear Assault’s Handle with Care turns 20 today, according to Back in the day, I would stare longingly at its longbox in record stores. I never pulled the trigger, though. Metallica and Megadeth were higher priorities. However, I now have a strange predilection for ’80s thrash sung by air raid sirens like Steve “Zetro”...