October 28, 2008

Kill the Client - Cleptocracy

by Cosmo Lee One of the best pieces of music reportage I’ve read in a while is here, at the blog Grind and Punishment. It’s about grindcore musicians who’ve served in the US military – interesting given grindcore’s typical pacifism. The author interviews Champ Morgan (Kill the Client), Pete Ponitkoff (Benumb/Agenda of Swine), Karl Willetts...

Redistribution of wealth: Earache, Psycroptic

by Cosmo Lee Speaking of government funding, Earache’s blog has a great entry about how the label (and also Creation Records) started with the help of Margaret Thatcher. During her regime, the UK government set up an “enterprise allowance scheme,” which gave money to people to start businesses. The goal was to get people off...